Protecting refugees, preventing people from becoming refugees

Germany stands by its international commitments to protect refugees. Around the world it is working to combat the factors that cause people to become refugees. In 2015 the number of foreign migrants to Germany was higher than ever, at 2 million people. Many of these came to seek asylum, fleeing wars and conflicts such as those in Syria and Iraq. In 2023, there were 350,000 asylum applications.
The Federal Government Federal Government The Federal Government and cabinet is made up of the Federal Chancellor and the Federal Ministers. While the Chancellor holds the power to issue directives, the ministers have departmental powers, meaning that they independently run their respective ministries in the framework of those directives… Read more › is committed to addressing the factors that cause people to become refugees and to reducing irregular migration. It is also driving forward the development and management of migration processes. This work includes repatriating those people who have no prospects of staying in Germany, promoting reintegration into countries of origin, and supporting transit countries and host countries.
In August 2024, the Federal Government agreed on a raft of measures aimed at improving the security situation in Germany. Deportations will become easier, the authorities will be strengthened in the fight against violent Islamists and gun laws will be further tightened.
Germany is also seeking partnerships with countries of origin in order to be able to more actively influence migration. It is also pushing for a fundamental reform of the EU asylum system with the aim of fair distribution of refugees and fair standards in asylum procedures.
At the same time, Germany intends to open up new opportunities, whereby well integrated young people will have the opportunity to gain permanent residence after three years. People who have lived in Germany for five years and satisfy certain requirements receive a conditional one-year residence permit during which time they can meet the additional requirements for permanent residence.