Sustainability and environment
Germany works with its partners to promote sustainable global development. German policy is guided by the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals.

Responsible action
In its sustainability strategy, Germany aligns its approach with the 2030 Agenda and other guiding principles set by the United Nations. Numerous national initiatives contribute to its successful implementation.
A green future
Germany is committed to protecting the environment and biodiversity. At the same time, through its energy transition strategy the country is tapping ecological and economic opportunities.

Facts and figures
© picture alliance/Zoonar

33.9 billion euros
Germany's expenditure on development cooperation accounted for around 0.79 per cent of its own economic output in 2023.

The share of total electricity generation in Germany which was made up by renewables in 2023.
© dpa

At least 80%
The target for renewable energy in Germany by 2030.
© picture alliance/lettas

This is how much less primary energy people in Germany consumed in 2023 compared to 1990.
1.9 million kilometres
This is the length of the electricity grid in Germany.