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Germany at a glance

The Federal Republic of Germany lies in the heart of Europe and is a cosmopolitan, democratic country with a great tradition and a lively present. Facts and figures at a glance.

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Political system, Parliament & Parties

Germany is a federation. The federation and the 16 Länder (states) each have areas of responsibility of their own.

Federal Republic

Federalism is a defining feature of Germany. The 16 federal states have a key role to play and participate in legislation via the Bundesrat, the second chamber.

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Parliament & Parties

The German Bundestag is elected every four years by free, secret and direct ballot by citizens aged 18 and over who are eligible to vote.

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Ernennungsurkunde Bundesregierung
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Federal Government

The Federal Chancellor and the federal ministers form the Federal Government, the cabinet.

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Politisches System
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Political system

The Federal Republic of Germany is structured as a federal state and parliamentary democracy.

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Politisches System
Elections in Germany

Free and fair elections are an essential precondition for any democracy.

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Geografie Deutschland

Federal Eagle, Flag, Currency

Nationalwappen Deutschland Bundesadler
Federal Eagle

The Federal Eagle is the German state symbol that is the richest in tradition. The Federal President, the Bundesrat, the Federal Constitutional Court, and the Bundestag use differently styled eagles. The eagles that appear on coins and the national strip of German sports associations also differ in terms of design.

Deutschland Flagge

The Basic Law states that the colours of the federal flag shall be black, red, and gold. In 1949, this followed on from the flag of the first German republic of 1919. The Nazis had abolished the latter and replaced it with the swastika.


The euro has been the legal tender in Germany since 1 January 2002. It replaced the deutschmark, which had been in use since 1948. The European Central Bank (ECB) is headquartered in the German financial centre Frankfurt am Main.

Basic Law

Passed in 1949 in Bonn, the Basic Law was initially intended to be provisional. After reunification in 1990 the version was then adopted as the permanent constitution. The 146 Articles of the Basic Law supersede all other German legal norms and define the basic systems and values of the state.

3. Oktober 1990
National Holiday

As the Day of German Unity, in the Unification Treaty of 1990 3 October was declared a national holiday in Germany. The Day of German Unity is the only national holiday to be determined by federal law.

The 16 Länder


National Anthem

Deutsche Nationalhymne

The German national anthem consists only of the third stanza of the Deutschlandlied by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben (1841). The melody was written by Joseph Haydn in 1796-97.

Listen to the German National Anthem


Useful facts

Useful information and important telephone numbers for travellers in Germany.

Geography & Climate

Germany lies at the heart of Europe. It shares its borders with nine other nations. No other European country has more neighbours.

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ICE train
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Getting around in Germany

From visa to voltage: Useful information and important telephone numbers for travellers in Germany

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Entspanntes Genießen
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Leisurely Enjoyment

German cuisine and German wines are among the finest Europe has to offer. Regional and healthy dishes are particularly in vogue.

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Political fields of activity

Business, research and climate

Good ideas are drivers for the economy and science, but also for sustainability and environmental protection.

Innovative Economy

Germany has the world’s third-largest economy. It is unique for its combination of a thriving culture of innovation, a focus on exports and a robust SME sector. The Federal Government aims to create a social-environmental market economy in Germany.

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Vibrant Hub of Knowledge

Germany stands out for the breadth of its vocational and higher education system and the world-leading research carried out here. 

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Vorreiter in der  Klimapolitik
Climate policy pioneer

Climate protection is a top priority for Germany. The key goal is to expand renewable energy sources at home and abroad.

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Living in Germany

Germany is a cosmopolitan country shaped by a pluralism of lifestyles.

Leben in Deutschland
Land of Diversity

Germany is a great place to live. It is a country of great diversity, attracting visitors through the allure of cities such as Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, as well as its ever-changing landscape from the North Sea to the Alps.

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Zoe Wees
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Vibrant Nation of Culture

Germany’s reputation as a great European cultural nation is based on famous names, its very vibrant art scene, and cosmopolitan diversity.

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Attractive School System

In Germany it is compulsory for all children to attend school. The federal states are responsible for the school system.

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Vielfältige Gesellschaft
Enriching Diversity

People from all around the world live together in Germany, bringing together highly diverse beliefs, ideals and aspirations.

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Freedom of Religious Worship

Freedom of religion is enshrined in the German Basic Law, while the religious landscape is marked by increasing plurality.

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Starker  Sozialstaat
Strong Welfare State

A dense web of state insurances protects citizens against existential risks.

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Population Open item

83 m

42 m women
41 m men

Life expectancy Open item
zwei alte Menschen

Women 83.2 years
Men 78.3 years

Households Open item
Stadt von oben

41.3 m

To and from Germany Open item

Immigrants 2023: 1,933,000
Emmigrants 2023: 1,270,000