Working in Germany
Germany's stable employment market offers attractive career opportunities to professionals from around the world.

Career opportunities for international skilled workers
In many industries, German businesses are in need of well-qualified staff. The world of science and the groves of academia likewise offer appealing opportunities. For many people, dual vocational training is the way to their dream job.

328 careers
Just under a million young people in Germany go on from school to train in one of the many officially recognised training careers under the dual system.

6,100 requests for information
have been submitted by other countries concerning the dual vocational training system to GOVET, the German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training since its foundation.
March 1, 2020
The date when the Skilled Immigration Act came into force, a law which makes it easier for skilled workers from non-EU countries to enter the German labor market.

30 percent
The minimum proportion of woman who companies listed on the stock exchange and subject to codetermination regulations must ensure as a fixed quota for their supervisory boards.
23.5% of those in employment in Germany
worked from home during 2023.
Business and innovation
Germany is investing heavily in research and development, and places great emphasis on its companies’ innovative strength.