Successful creative industries

Culture and the creative industry Creative Industry Ingenuity and creativity are an important economic factor for Germany as a business location. Art, film, music, fashion, media, books and lifestyle: The contribution of the creative industry to Germany’s overall economic output is comparable with that of the large industries, namely the automobile… Read more › are among the economy’s most innovative sectors. In Germany, their contribution to total economic output (gross value added) is steadily increasing. In 2018, their share of GDP was three percent and therefore higher than other important sectors such as the chemical industry, energy utilities, and financial service providers. Sales by the creative industry, which now embraces some 256,000 companies and employs 1.2 million people, totalled around 168 billion euros in 2018. The Federal Government Federal Government The Federal Government and cabinet is made up of the Federal Chancellor and the Federal Ministers. While the Chancellor holds the power to issue directives, the ministers have departmental powers, meaning that they independently run their respective ministries in the framework of those directives… Read more › intends specifically to strengthen the cultural and creative industries, further developing support schemes and financing options to this end.
High number of self-employed
The common core of work in culture and the creative industries is the creative act underlying artistic, literary, cultural, musical, architectural, and creative content, works, products, productions, and services. Structurally speaking, the sector is defined by more than 250,000 self-employed freelancers as well as small or micro-enterprises. At 21.5 percent, the proportion of self-employed people is extremely high. They are primarily private-sector based – meaning not first and foremost in the public sector (museums, theatre, orchestras Orchestras There are around 130 German professional orchestras, first and foremost among them the Berlin- Philharmonic, the Berlin Staatskapelle, the Gewandhausorchester, the Bamberg Symphonic and the Munich Philharmonic Read more › ) or part of civil society (art associations, foundations). Through the consistent promotion of start-ups, in many cities a raft of service providers has arisen in the fields of design, software, and games in particular. Specifically, the software and games industry relies on interfacing different segments, such as film, video, music, text, and animation, to tap the sector’s potential. The Berlin Berlin Once a year, during the Berlinale film festival, the world of the silver screen focuses its attention on Berlin. And the city’s inhabitants are used to global interest. After all, the people of Berlin have lived in a capital city since 1458. However, there is also a shady side to the city’s history… Read more › - Brandenburg Brandenburg Brandenburg surrounds the capital city of Berlin and benefits from the latter’s “gin and martini belt”. However, with its numerous lakes and forests it also has several trump cards of its own. With the Hohenzollern castles, and in particular Sanssouci Castle, which is included in the UNESCO World… Read more › region leads the way, with no other area having such a concentrated gaming infrastructure, including the relevant colleges. That said, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg Hamburg In the city and state of Hamburg it is the port that is the power-house of the economy, though with Airbus, Otto Versand and Beiersdorf also located here, this is not immediately apparent. The tanker terminals, mean that almost all the major oil-refining companies are represented in the port. For… Read more › , Leipzig, Cologne, and Munich all have distinct creative industry Creative Industry Ingenuity and creativity are an important economic factor for Germany as a business location. Art, film, music, fashion, media, books and lifestyle: The contribution of the creative industry to Germany’s overall economic output is comparable with that of the large industries, namely the automobile… Read more › clusters.