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Forschung und Innovation
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Research and innovation

Germany is a nation of innovation. The foundations for this are found in its ambitious cutting-edge research and global academic networks. 

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Bildung und Hochschule
Schools and universities

As a place to learn and research, Germany enjoys a strong international reputation, from its school system to the dual vocational education system and its varied higher education system.

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© dpa
Germany at a glance

The Federal Republic of Germany lies in the heart of Europe and is a cosmopolitan, democratic country with a great tradition and a lively present. Facts and figures at a glance.

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Political System and Federalism

The Federal Republic of Germany is a thriving democracy based on values, with a diverse political landscape. The country is deeply shaped by its federal structure, consisting of 16 federal states. 

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Arbeiten in Deutschland
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Working in Germany

Germany's stable employment market offers attract­ive career opportunities to professionals from around the world.

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Government and parliament

The SPD, Greens and FDP formed the current Federal Government in late 2021. Olaf Scholz is the Federal Chancellor. Find out more about government policies here. You can also learn about the structure of the federal republic, federal and state parliaments and voting rights.

Politisches System
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Political system

The Federal Republic of Germany is structured as a federal state and parliamentary democracy.

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Federal Republic

Federalism is a defining feature of Germany. The 16 federal states have a key role to play and participate in legislation via the Bundesrat, the second chamber.

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Politisches System
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Political system

The Federal Republic of Germany is structured as a federal state and parliamentary democracy.

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Die Politik der Bundesregierung
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Political Alignment of the Federal Government

Since late 2021, Germany has been governed by a coalition of the SPD, Alliance 90/The Greens and the FDP, headed by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The next Bundestag elections are scheduled for 2025.

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Parliament & Parties

The German Bundestag is elected every four years by free, secret and direct ballot by citizens aged 18 and over who are eligible to vote.

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Politisches System
Elections in Germany

Free and fair elections are an essential precondition for any democracy.

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Ad of the book "Facts about Germany"
In an up-to-date, trustworthy and concise format, this handbook includes facts, figures and illustrations, to give readers a detailed introduction and insights into all aspects of life in modern Germany.
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The 16 Länder

Klima und Energie
Climate and energy

Climate action is a top priority in Germany. The Federal Government aims to be a driving force in the energy transformation both at home and abroad, supporting the expansion of renewable energy sources.

Frieden und Sicherheit
Peace and security

Together with its partners, Germany champions peace, security, democracy, and human rights the world over.


Living in Germany

Germany is a cosmopolitan country shaped by a pluralism of lifestyles.

Leben in Deutschland
Land of Diversity

Germany is a great place to live. It is a country of great diversity, attracting visitors through the allure of cities such as Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, as well as its ever-changing landscape from the North Sea to the Alps.

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Zoe Wees
© dpa
Vibrant Nation of Culture

Germany’s reputation as a great European cultural nation is based on famous names, its very vibrant art scene, and cosmopolitan diversity.

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Vielfältige Gesellschaft
Enriching Diversity

People from all around the world live together in Germany, bringing together highly diverse beliefs, ideals and aspirations.

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All topics at a glance
Germany at a glance

The Federal Republic of Germany lies in the heart of Europe and is a cosmopolitan, democratic country with a great tradition and a lively present. Facts and figures at a glance.

Fahnen Deutschland und Europa
Germany and Europe

Germany is one of the founding members of the European Union. Today it works to strengthen and develop the EU as a guarantor of peace, security and prosperity.

Political System and Federalism

The Federal Republic of Germany is a thriving democracy based on values, with a diverse political landscape. The country is deeply shaped by its federal structure, consisting of 16 federal states. 

Arbeiten in Deutschland
Working in Germany

Germany's stable employment market offers attract­ive career opportunities to professionals from around the world.

Bildung und Hochschule
Schools and universities

As a place to learn and research, Germany enjoys a strong international reputation, from its school system to the dual vocational education system and its varied higher education system.

Forschung und Innovation
Research and innovation

Germany is a nation of innovation. The foundations for this are found in its ambitious cutting-edge research and global academic networks. 

Frieden und Sicherheit
Peace and security

Together with its partners, Germany champions peace, security, democracy, and human rights the world over.

Klima und Energie
Climate and energy

Climate action is a top priority in Germany. The Federal Government aims to be a driving force in the energy transformation both at home and abroad, supporting the expansion of renewable energy sources.

Smartphone user
Media and communication

Germany boasts a free and broadly representative media world. Over the past few years, digitisation has significantly changed the way people utilise the media.

Migration und Integration
Migration and Integration

Germany is a popular destination for immigration and the country prioritises an active policy of integration. Germany provides shelter for refugees and is active around the world to combat the causes of people becoming refugees.

Hände halten Pflanzen
Sustainability and environment

Germany works with its partners to promote sustainable global development. German policy is guided by the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals. 

Global trade partner

Germany is one of the world’s strongest economies. As an exporter, Germany is committed to free markets while also prioritising human rights protections in global trade.

Culture and art

Germany is a nation with a thriving cultural life. Its rich cultural and artistic sector is constantly developing and moving forward. 

Sport Jung und Alt
Living in Germany

Society in the Federal Republic is diverse and cosmopolitan. Many people are actively involved in public life.